Rashid Al-Daif is a Lebanese author, writing in Arabic. He has been translated into many languages, including French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Greek, Japanese and Vietnamese. Wikipedia

You will find information about his novels and poetry as well as published works about his writing. You will also find some of his texts and newspaper articles, and studies covering his works. This web site is multilingual, but complete information is only available in Arabic, French and English. We hope you enjoy your visit!


ما رأت زينة وما لم ترَ


الرّابع من آب 2020.

ينزلق فنجان الشّاي من مكانه ويقع.

“انكسر الشرّ”، تعلّق الستّ سوسن.

ثمّ يسقط تمثالٌ لمريم العذراء ويتحطّم.

“الله يعطينا خير هالنّهار”، تتمتم زينة.

لكنّ الشرّ في ذلك اليوم لم ينكسر والخير لم يأتِ.

بل إنّ ما حدث مع المرأتين كان نذيراً بكارثة آتية.

سينفجر الكون.

سينفجر ثانيةً…


Email address : daifrachid@gmail.com